WASHINGTON – Five new appointees will join the 2015 Lamb Promotion, Research, and Information Board, the US Department of Agriculture announced.

The board is composed of six producers, three feeders, one seedstock producer and three first handlers. Appointees will serve three-year terms. The newly appointed board members are: Joanne Nissen, Soledad, Calif., and David Quam, San Angelo, Texas, representing producers; Tammy W. Doughty, Reform, Ala., representing feeders; Wesley R. Patton, Orland, Calif., representing seedstock producers; and Elizabeth Dressler, Parker, Colo., representing first handlers.

USDA noted that according to the 2012 USDA Census, there were 83,338 sheep and lamb farms in the United States with an estimated 2.97 million head during 2012. Top producing states included Texas, California, Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota.