Inspectors with IDOA discovered the problem during an ongoing investigation. Inspectors also discovered that the recalled ground beef was not produced using mandatory Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans.
IDOA noted that the recalled products were sold at one retail location in Effingham, Ill. They bear the establishment number “EST. 516″ inside the Illinois Mark of Inspection and the following package information:
• 2 lb. containers labeled “Ground Beef” with production dates of DEC 02 2013 and DEC 31 2013
• 2lb. plastic bags labeled “Smokey’s Bacon & Cheddar Fluffy Burgers” with production dates of DEC 02 2013; DEC 31 2013; FEB 18 2014; MAR 31 2014; APR 01 2014 and APR 28 2014
•2 lb. plastic bags labeled “Swiss & Mushroom Fluffy Burger” dated APR 28 2014
•2 lb. plastic bags labeled “Black and Blue Fluffy Burger” dated APR 28 2014
•2 lb. plastic bags labeled “Jalapeno Fluffy Burger” dated MAR 31 2014, and APR 28 2014
•2 lb. plastic bags labeled “Hawaiian Fluffy Burger ” dated MAR 31 2014 and APR 28 2014
•2 lb. plastic bags labeled “Chili Cheese Fluffy Burgers” dated FEB 18 2014; APR 01 2014; and APR 28 2014.