SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS – The Beef Promotion Operating Committee recently met at the 2010 Cattle Industry Convention in San Antonio, Texas, to discuss additional funding received through Final Reports of Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2009. Some F.Y.09 projects released unused dollars, which were available for F.Y.10 projects.
Amendments to Authorization Requests were presented for these available funds. As a result, the Operating Committee approved amendments to the following F.Y.10 Authorization Requests:
• $89,000 for the National Beef Cook-Off
• $250,000 for South Korea promotions
• $136,825 for foodservice partnerships
• $91,220 for new products and culinary services
• $170,000 for Beef Quality Assurance programs
• $239,130 for issues management efforts.
A new Authorization Request for F.Y.10 was presented and approved for $547,320 for an early grilling season, middle meat, advertising/retailer blowout.
This work will be completed during the 2010 Fiscal Year.