Guenter Becker, president of Treif USA, demonstrates the features of the new Falcon powerline. 

FRANKFURT, Germany  Just three days removed from celebrating the grand opening of its $6.8 million customer center at its Oberlahr, Germany, headquarters, Treif Maschinenbau GmbH Managing Director, Uwe Reifenhäuser, and his global team members headed 80 miles southeast to Frankfurt, where the company’s new technology was celebrated at IFFA held May 4-9, 2016. Featured at the Treif booth was both the equipment and the expertise, which serve as the foundation for the company’s success since its founding 68 years ago.

On display were several new machines including the Falcon powerline portion-cutting system, which will be available in the US in the fall. The Falcon powerline includes not only a higher-volume and easier-to-clean Falcon portion cutter for boneless and bone-in product, but also a loader, checkweighers before and after the products are cut, an imaging system to ensure proper position of the product and a robotic picker for packaging.

“This system has gotten a lot of attention each day at the show,” said Guenter Becker, president of Treif USA, based in Shelton, Connecticut. “It is bigger, faster and easier to clean,” he said of the new and improved Falcon.

The Treif Divider orbital 400+ also lured attendees to the Treif booth, where the company’s mantra, “A passion for food cutting,” was evident in the new slicer. By combining flexibility and a small footprint the Divider orbital boasts high output and the ability to precisely slice very delicate meat products. Equipped with a large circular blade powered by maintenance-minded V-ribbed belts, processors can slice a variety of products without adjusting or converting the machine. Using the Divider orbital, processors can save time and energy costs thanks to its ability to slice meats at higher temperatures and be stacked to heights of 100 mm.

“The Divider orbital 400+ is designed as a slicer for premium, artisan products and it is also premium when it comes to hygienic design,” Becker said.