Trappers in West Texas are capturing feral hogs and selling them to meat processors.
Trappers in West Texas decided the best way to combat feral swine was to sell the animals to meat processors.

Feral swine are more than a hazard — the destructive animals can damage crops, kill young livestock, destroy property, harm natural resources and carry diseases that threaten other animals, as well as people and water supplies. Their numbers have expanded to almost 40 states over three decades and are a major concern to ranchers and farmers.

The US Dept. of Agriculture reported that feral swine are responsible for more than $1 billion in damage annually. In 2014, USDA launched a $20 million national initiative to help states deal with invasive wild swine.

But citizens in West Texas may have found a solution that has been implemented against other invasive species. Trappers are catching feral swine and selling them to buying stations, which then sell the animals to processors.

Eat The Invaders, a website dedicated to “Fighting Invasive Species, One Bite at a Time,” states that creating a consumer market for invasive species is the most successful way to combat them. Items on the menu include lionfish, garlic mustard and garden snails.