Jane Grote Abell, chairwoman of the board for Donatos Pizza and Jane's Dough Foods, will be the keynote speaker at the breakfast. Grote Abell has held a variety of positions over the past four decades at both Donatos Pizza and Jane's Dough Foods, including CEO. She was named to the YWCA Columbus Academy of Women of Achievement, CEO of the Year by Columbus CEO Magazine and a Top 24 Women in Franchising by Franchise Update Magazine.
"I am honored that Jane has accepted our invitation to speak at the FPSA Women's Council breakfast," said Paula Wernet, corporate marketing coordinator with the Grote Co., one of FPSA Women's Council advisory members, and one of the Women's Leadership Breakfast sponsors. "I know her story will be an inspiration to the attendees."
Sponsors for the event include Alfa Laval, Provisur Technologies, Poly-clip System, Weber Inc. and Grote Company.
To register for the Women's Breakfast, clickhere. Membership to the newly established FPSA Women's Council is free – applyhere.