M+P: Are there dangers related to improperly maintained smokehouses and if so, what are they?
Daily’s: The most catastrophic danger would be a smokehouse explosion. There are safety mechanisms in place to prevent this from happening, but it is always in the back of your mind. Because these houses use so much air and cause differential pressures between inside and outside of the houses, implosions are a concern as well.
M+P: What is the range of size and type of smokers used at Daily’s operations?
Daily’s: Daily’s only uses wood chip smokehouses and generators.
M+P: How important is the role of the smokehouse operator in the proper operation and maintenance of smokehouses?
Daily’s: It is key to have a smart and knowledgeable smoke master. With so many moving parts and so many dollars at stake, they have to be able to react appropriately to any deviations that occur during the cycle. They have to understand not only how the smokehouse works, but how every variable affects the yield and color of the product being smoked.
M+P: What is the most common maintenance issue that arises in typical smokehouse operations?
Daily’s: We have had several issues with punctured door seals; it is just the nature of using very sharp bacon combs that can come in contact with the door seals when loading and unloading the smokehouses.
M+P: Talk about how an improperly maintained smokehouse can still achieve adequate results, but at the cost of efficiency, wear and tear or other types of “creep” that results in tweaks being made as work arounds vs. maintaining proper operations and how those costs can add up.
Daily’s: We make every attempt to keep our houses maintained and clean. Because this is one of the most critical steps in the process of making quality bacon, we do not even walk that line. The houses have to perform 100 percent of the time, as if they were new, regardless of the age of the smokehouse. Improperly maintained smokehouses may “appear” to be operating properly, but product will ultimately be inconsistent or unpredictable. Obviously, inefficiencies and workarounds cost money and adversely affect smokehouse reliability, therefore, we are constantly monitoring smokehouse operation and working to resolve any issues as soon as possible.
M+P: What impact does belly size variation and smokehouse capacity have on smokehouse performance and maintenance concerns?
Daily’s: We have seen that we have to vary the cycles based on belly size to still achieve desired yield results. We have not seen any maintenance issues arise due to belly size. But obviously, capacity is a big factor. The difference in 2 lbs. per belly can affect annual throughputs of as much as 8 million lbs. of product through our houses.
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M+P: Discuss the roll of airflow in smokehouses and how attention to maintenance can ensure proper airflow for ideal finished products. What are some indicators of improper airflow?
Daily’s:It is important to monitor the internal temps of the product while smoking to identify any hot and cold spots within the house. It is also important for even color distribution. Indicators would be inconsistent bellies at the slicing step. If you find dry bellies and wet bellies from the same house, you have a problem. Air flows are balanced between supply and exhaust and they follow a predetermined pattern. Pattern interruptions can be influenced by damper settings and adjustments, which need to be resolved immediately. A partially loaded house, or partial and asymmetrical loading can also affect production inconsistencies.
M+P:What advice would you give when it comes to developing and implementing a maintenance schedule for smokehouses and is it a one size fits all proposition?
Daily’s:The most useful advice would be to ensure a good sanitation schedule. A clean house is one that operates properly and requires less maintenance. Always monitor the charts for hints of deviations that could signal a problem with a component of the smokehouse. Also, having a good smoke master who can get maintenance involved in real time as issues arise is key. We operate with monthly PM’s that are essentially inspection based to help identify any minor discrepancies that could develop into a major repair down the road. Once predictable and reliable outcomes are achieved, procedures and policies should be standardized, institutionalized, continuously improved upon (if possible), and accountability established for those systems.