NASHVILLE, TENN. – MEAT+POULTRY first spoke with Dana Ehrlich, co-founder and chief executive officer of Verde Farms, in 2017. By then, Verde Farms had been selling grass-fed and no antibiotics ever beef for 12 years. At the time, the company’s list of customers included Wegmans Food Markets, Whole Foods Market Inc. and other national retailers and the supply chain sourced cattle from the United States, Canada and Uruguay.
But that was then, and now Verde Farms is a bigger company that continues to make inroads in the increasingly competitive grass-fed beef space. So, it made since that when M+P caught up with Ehrlich and the company’s chief marketing officer, Pete Lewis, at the 2020 Annual Meat Conference held in Nashville, that the conversation started with an update on how the brand and the company has evolved over the past several years.

In this podcast, Ehrlich and Lewis unpack some of the highlights in Verde Farms’ evolution which include a new frozen and fresh beef processing facility in Mullica Hill, New Jersey; a $15-million investment from Manna Tree Partners, and the launch of a sous vide cooked line of grass-fed, pasture-raised organic beef cuts, strips and shredded beef meal solutions called Simply Sear It.
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