WASHINGTON — A new educational video outlining for consumers the many different cuts of pork available in today’s marketplace was unveiled by the American Meat Institute (A.M.I.) on May 11. Featuring Betsy Booren, Ph.D., director of scientific affairs of the American Meat Institute Foundation, the video follows A.M.I.’s video on beef cuts that was released last week.

Although many consumers enjoy pork as a regular part of their diet, many are still unfamiliar with the various pork cuts. The video highlights the six primal cuts of the hog — the shoulder butt, loin, leg, side and picnic shoulder — and informs from which primal the various pork cuts and pork products emanate.

“As many consumers shop for meat during the start of the grilling season and National Barbeque Month, it’s important to know the many different cuts of pork available today, and how each should be properly cooked,” Ms. Booren said. “I hope the video encourages consumers to try a new cut they might just be learning about, too.”

Visit A.M.I.’s YouTube channel, The Meat News Network, at http://www.YouTube.com/MeatNewsNetwork to learn about the different cuts of pork and to watch the short video.

A.M.I.’s companion brochure, “A Consumer’s Guide to the Meat Case,” offers a user-friendly grid detailing various cuts, their local and fanciful names and the best cooking methods for each. The free brochure can be downloaded at http://www.meatmattersinfo.org/.

“There are so many different cuts and varieties of pork products — fresh cuts like pork chops and tenderloin, and cured products like ham and hot dogs — that consumers can sometimes become overwhelmed at the meat case,” Ms. Booren said. “This video and brochure provide some helpful assistance when shopping for and cooking a particular cut of pork.

“And remember, the pork butt actually comes from the shoulder,” Ms. Booren concluded.