WASHINGTON — The US Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) provided the latest numbers for meat production and slaughter for February.
Beef production was reported at 2.28 billion lbs, 2% below 2023. Cattle slaughter came in at 2.73 million head, which was down 3% from the same time last year.
Pork production stood at 2.47 billion lbs, about 2% above the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.4 million head, 2% above 2023.
Veal production totaled 3.9 million lbs, which was 12% below last year’s total. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.73 million head, down 3% from January 2023.
NASS also reported that federally inspected poultry during January 2024 was 6 billion lbs, up 2% from 5.90 billion one year ago. Inspection of young chickens stood at 5.36 billion lbs up 2% from Jan. 2023.
Mature chickens totaled 68 million lbs, up 1% from the previous year. Turkey inspection showed 551 million lbs, down 1% from 2023. Ducks totaled 17.9 million lbs, up 6% from last year.
Young chickens slaughtered during January 2024 averaged 6.58 lbs per bird, up 1% from Jan. 2023. The average live weight of mature chickens was 6.95 lbs per bird, down 1% from a year ago.
The agency also released its Cattle on Feed report, which showed inventory totaled 11.8 million head of cattle, slightly above the inventory reported in same period in 2023.
The report also highlighted that placement in feedlots during November totaled 1.70 million head, 7% down from 2023. Net placements were 1.71 million head.
NASS reported marketings of fed cattle during November totaled 1.84 million head, slightly below 2023.