WASHINGTON — A Republican congressman recently proposed a bill that would ban the use of federal funds in various areas related to cultured meat.

Eight Republican colleagues cosponsored Representative Warren Davidson’s (R-OH) REAL Meat Act of 2024.

“Fake cell-cultured meat not only poses a health risk to the human body, but it also threatens the livelihoods of America’s hard-working ranchers, livestock farmers, and butchers,” Davidson said after the bill was introduced. “Recently, laws prohibiting lab-grown meat have been passed in states like Florida and Alabama. Congress must act to ensure US taxpayers are not footing the bill for this inferior, experimental product.”

The legislation would prohibit federal funding from researching and advancing cell-cultured meat technology. No federal funding would be tied to the promotion or advertisement of cultured products. Federal funding would also not be used to produce meat alternative items or purchase cell-cultured meat for federal nutrition programs, such as SNAP.

Throughout the country, more groups and state governments continue to challenge the early stages of cultured meat development and production.

On June 7, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association condemned a proposed Department of Defense (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products by manufacturing company BioMADE.

“It is outrageous that the Department of Defense is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to feed our heroes like lab rats,” said Ethan Lane, vice president of government affairs for NCBA. “US cattle producers raise the highest-quality beef in the world, with the lowest carbon footprint — and American troops deserve to be served that same wholesome, natural meat and not ultra-processed, lab-grown protein that is cooked up in a chemical-filled bioreactor. This misguided research project is a giant slap in the face to everyone that has served our country.”

In May, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a law prohibiting the misbranding of certain food products, including cultured meat.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis also signed a bill to prohibit the sale of lab-grown meat in the state. Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed a similar law on May 7.

One company decided to respond to the recent laws being passed nationwide.

Cultured manufacturer Upside Foods plans to hold a “Freedom of Food” pop-up on June 27 in Miami, Fla., for consumers to try their product before it is banned on July 1.