The total number of layers during June climbed 2 percent to an average of 345 million. June egg production per 100 layers was 2,249 eggs, up 1 percent from June 2012.
All layers on July 1, 2013, totaled 344 million, 2 percent increase compared to a year ago. The 344 million layers consisted of 288 million layers producing table or market type eggs, 52.4 million layers producing broiler-type hatching eggs and 3.10 million layers producing egg-type hatching eggs, according to NASS. Rate of lay per day on July 1 averaged 74.6 eggs per 100 layers, up 1 percent from July 1, 2012.
Egg-type chicks hatched increased 5 percent to 40.9 million. Eggs in incubators also increased 5 percent to 38.3 million on July 1.
Domestic placements of egg-type pullet chicks for future hatchery supply flocks totaled 189,000 during June, up 59 percent from June 2012.
Broiler-type chicks hatched were up 1 percent, NASS reported. Broiler-type chicks hatched during June totaled 762 million. Eggs in incubators totaled 629 million on July 1, up 3 percent from a year ago.
Leading breeders placed 7.01 million broiler-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks during June 2013, up 3 percent from a year earlier.