ATLANTA — The U. S. Poultry & Egg Association, National Chicken Council and National Turkey Federation have formed joint councils on human resources and safety. The Joint Poultry Industry Human Resources Council and the Joint Poultry Industry Safety and Health Council consolidate what previously were separate committees that addressed similar issues, according to the associations.

Enhancing coordination of industry programs in these areas is the objective, they added. Industry faces challenges that are common to all three organizations, and the joint councils will streamline their efforts and eliminate duplication.

"Our three associations bonded our respective environmental committees together a few years ago, allowing the industry to speak with a common voice and effectively utilize each organization’s strengths," said John Starkey, president of U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. "We believe this move will enable the industry to enjoy the same efficiency and effectiveness in the critical H.R. and safety areas."

George Watts, president of the National Chicken Council, said N.C.C. is pleased to join with the two other groups in forming industry councils on human resources and safety.

"Workplace safety and health is a key objective and core value for all poultry processing companies," he added. "The councils will provide a strong unified voice for the poultry industry and will help us effectively focus time and effort on important issues."

Joel Brandenberger, president of the National Turkey Federation, said the turkey industry is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment where employees can work with respect and dignity.

"The joint councils will allow N.T.F., the National Chicken Council and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association to collaborate on important worker-safety and health issues in a manner that enhances the benefits to members of all three associations," he added. "N.T.F. is looking forward to working with the other organizations in this exciting effort."

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