KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Crisis offers opportunity. In the wake of the horse meat scandal in Europe, German meat importers have been urged to buy Scotch Beef.
Scotch Beef carries the European Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) marque, is guaranteed to be 100-percent traceable back to its farm of origin, as well as to meet strict animal welfare and quality-assurance guidelines.
“Germany imports twice as much beef as it did 10 years ago, and following the horse-meat scandal, consumers here need confidence in what they are eating,” said Fiona Hyslop, Scotland’s External Affairs Secretary, during a visit to Berlin. “Consumer trust in the label and sales of Scotch Beef has soared in Scotland since the scale of this meat fraud became known. Our local butchers say sales are up by more than one-fifth, and Scottish meat-processing companies are also reporting increased orders for Scotch Beef.”