Frozen foods group joins GMO labeling coalition

MCLEAN, Va. – The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) has joined the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food, a network of food industry groups working toward a federal food labeling law for products made with genetically modified ingredients.

Led by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the National Corn Growers Association, the coalition will push for federal legislation that creates a voluntary program, administered by the Food and Drug Administration, to evaluate food labels that claim the presence, or absence, of GMOs.

“AFFI is pleased to join the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food and looks forward to working with our coalition partners and lawmakers in support of a responsible and effective federal labeling program that prevents the creation of a complicated patchwork of state-based labeling rules that would increase, rather than reduce, consumer confusion,” said Kraig Naasz, AFFI president and CEO.

California and Washington have had ballot initiatives on the issue, and least 30 states will consider GMO labeling initiatives in the next few years, said Jonathan Adler, director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Law, and author of ‘How not to label biotech foods.’