Ranchers, farmers, consumers protest N.A.I.S.


JEFFERSON CITY, MO. — Farmers, ranchers and consumers planned to hold a protest against the National Animal I.D. System June 9 from 8 a.m. to noon to run concurrently with the U.S.D.A. N.A.I.S. listening session at Truman Hotel & Conference Center in Jefferson City, Mo.

More than 12 organizations sent members to Jefferson City to speak against N.A.I.S., including R-CALF USA, Missouri Campaign for Liberty, Arkansas Animal Producers Association, International Dairy Goat Registry, Missouri, Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, Illinois Independent Consumers and Farmers Association, Ozarks Property Rights Congress. Missouri First Inc., Liberty Restoration Project, Legislators Against Real ID, Missouri Libertarian Party, Missouri Constitution Party, Missouri Rural Crises Center, Citizens for Private Property and Douglas County Citizens for Liberty.

U.S.D.A. has been pushing for mandatory N.A.I.S., originally calling for mandatory implementation in January 2008 and with enforcement in January 2009. Implementation, however, has been delayed due to huge public outcry against the program, opponents claim.

Opposition to N.A.I.S. is strongest from independent cattlemen, small farmers and hobbyists.

"The design of N.A.I.S. is effectively a license to farm. This program would cost us at least $4,000 the first year," said Doreen Hannes, a researcher, author and public speaker whose family has a small farm and raises much of their own food. "There is no method for growers to recoup the cost of the program, and the implementation of N.A.I.S. will be the destruction of the family farm and rural America. The cost to freedom is simply immeasurable."