A.M.I.F. recognizes environmental achievement
WASHINGTON — The American Meat Institute Foundation Environmental Achievement Awards will be awarded to nine meat and poultry plants.
This year's award winners are:
- Advances in Environmental Technology First Place: John Morrell & Co., Sioux Falls, S.D.
- Environmental Outreach to the Public First Place: Sara Lee Food and Beverage, Claryville, Ky.; Second Place: Farmland Foods, Inc., Monmouth, Ill.
- Environmental Training Programs First Place: Hormel Foods Corporation, Austin, Minn. and Sara Lee Food and Beverage, Claryville, Ky.;Second Place: Curly's Foods, Inc., Sioux City, Iowa
- Pollution Prevention First Place: Sara Lee Food and Beverage, New London, Wis.; Second Place: Equity Group Ohio Division, LLC - North Baltimore, Ohio
- Resource Conservation First Place: Smithfield Packing Company, Inc., Tar Heel, N.C.; Second Place: Equity Group Georgia Division, LLC, Camilla, Ga.
On Oct. 28, award winners will be honored during A.M.I'.s International Meat, Poultry & Seafood Convention & Exposition, part of Worldwide Food Expo in Chicago, Ill. Several award winners will be sharing their success stories at the new Worldwide Food Expo Sustainability Pavilion, sponsored by the Center for U.S. Dairy and MEAT&POULTRY magazine.
"We are proud of the innovative efforts of our member companies in enhancing their environmental programs," said J. Patrick Boyle, A.M.I. president and chairman of the A.M.I. Foundation. "We are also pleased that these leaders will share their stories in the Sustainability Pavilion at our upcoming convention and exposition so that others may benefit from their ideas."