Hot Dog Madness begins for NHDSC
WASHINGTON — With March Madness starting this week, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) is getting in the spirit with its bracket to determine the best hot dog in Major League baseball. All 30 MLB teams will face off to determine which ballpark has the best frank in America.
“The experience of a baseball game isn’t just the game itself, it’s also the food at the concession stand, and no food signifies baseball like hot dogs,” said NHDSC President Eric Mittenthal. “Teams have been offering more and more hot dog and sausage options in recent years, so it’s time to determine who offers the best ballpark hot dog and sausage experience.”
Fans can vote for their favorite teams online via daily polls on the NHDSC Facebook page with winners moving on to the next round. An American League and National League matchup will be posted each day until a winner emerges on baseball’s opening day, April 3. A full guide to hot dogs and sausages offered at Major League parks is available at
“If we’ve learned anything from five years of Hot Dog Madness, it’s to expect upsets,” Mittenthal said. “The winner can be tough to predict but always reflects the passion that Americans have for hot dogs.”
Hot dog fans won’t just be choosing their favorite hot dogs; they have a chance to win as well. NHDSC t-shirts will be given away to people who vote in all 30 matchups on Facebook. The participant who shares the polls with the most people on Facebook will win a gift card for his or her favorite hot dogs or sausage.