Applegate brings the bacon, holds the sugar

Applegate Naturals No Sugar Bacon
Applegate Naturals No Sugar Bacon will be available at select retailers this month.
Applegate, a subsidiary of Hormel Foods Corp. since 2015, recently added Naturals No Sugar Bacon to the Applegate product lineup.

The company, which specializes in natural and organic meats, developed the bacon for sugar-conscious consumers seeking a product that does not list sugar as an ingredient. The product is sourced from pigs that are humanely raised, and the bacon maintains a hickory smoke flavor, the company said in a statement.

“With a growing demand for sugar-free options, we’re excited to deliver a bacon that supports the needs of those looking to reduce their sugar intake, while upholding Applegate values — making products with humanely raised meats and simple ingredients,” said Nicole Glenn, Applegate vice president of marketing. “Providing worry-free meats people want to eat is vital to us and this new bacon is a product we’re proud to offer.”

Applegate offers meats that fulfill the criteria of sugar-free, in addition to the brand’s standards of no antibiotics ever, no artificial ingredients, and no chemical nitrites or nitrates in its effort to serve consumers trying to avoid those ingredients.

Applegate Naturals No Sugar Bacon will be available at select retailers, such as Fresh Market and Hy-Vee beginning in August, with a suggested retail price of $5.49 per 8 oz. package. In addition to being sugar-free, Applegate Naturals No Sugar Bacon is gluten free and casein free.