FDA introduces tool to assist with FSMA compliance


The FDA's Food Safety Plan Builder is a free software tool food and beverage manufactures may use to develop food safety plans that are in compliance with FSMA.
WASHINGTON – The Food and Drug Administration has introduced Food Safety Plan Builder, a free software tool food and beverage manufacturers may use to develop food safety plans that are in compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The software may be downloaded by visiting this page on the FDA’s web site.

The FDA said the software, which is primarily intended for use by small manufacturers, will guide operators through the step-by-step process of creating a food safety plan as required by FSMA. Users will be taken through a series of sections in the application that prompt them to answer questions and fill in information specific to their business and facilities. Once the tabs have been completed, the file may be saved or printed, and the firm will have a food safety plan to use in its operations and to provide when the FDA conducts an inspection.

Scott Gottlieb
Scott Gottlieb, Ph.D., FDA commissioner

“We’re committed to helping the food industry meet the new requirements of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act,” said Scott Gottlieb, Ph.D., FDA commissioner. “We know that some small businesses have limited resources and may need additional support to meet FSMA’s obligations. Our new Food Safety Plan Builder is a software tool that will help food manufacturers create a food safety plan for their facilities that outlines steps they’re taking to prevent foodborne contamination and ultimately protect public health. It should reduce the costs of complying with the law’s requirements, while providing additional support to help small businesses understand and meet those provisions.”

The program and education materials are modeled after the successful Food Defense Plan Builder, according to the agency, which was created to help operators of food plants with developing personalized food defense plans for their facilities.