Tyson announces deployment of mobile medical clinics to reopening plants
SPRINGDALE, ARK. – As part of a plan to ensure the safety of its employees and contract workers during the reopening of its meat and poultry processing facilities across the country, Tyson Foods Inc. announced on April 30, a partnership with Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Matrix Medical Network. Using a fleet of mobile health clinics and a staff of healthcare providers specializing in testing for and diagnosing patients possibly infected by the coronavirus (COVID-19). Matrix offers advanced diagnostic services and offers enhanced care options.
“When Tyson Foods begins to reopen idled facilities, it will be with the support of Matrix to further help protect the people who work in Tyson facilities, creating additional healthcare access when it comes to their individual health needs,” Tyson Foods said.
Tyson is deploying multiple Matrix mobile clinics to work on site at the company’s beef plant in Pasco, Wash., as well as pork plants in Logansport, Ind., and in Louisa County and Waterloo, Iowa. More clinics and mobile units will be available to send to other processing facilities if needed, the company said.
On-site services offered by Matrix for Tyson include testing for COVID-19; clinical screening of working environments at facilities to ensure workers’ safety; and health education for employees. Matrix also will assist Tyson officials in developing environmental designs of processing facilities to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.
“Tyson is committed to implementing all possible measures to protect our team members,” said Hector Gonzalez, senior vice president of human resources with Tyson. “We want to reopen our previously idled facilities, but also want to instill confidence in our workers and reassure them that we care deeply about their individual health needs.”
Dr. Daniel Castillo, chief medical officer with Matrix Medical Network, added, “It’s a critically important time for us to come together to ensure each other’s health, safety, and stability. As the largest food company in the US, Tyson’s top priorities include protecting the health and safety of its workers, while also making sure America’s families have food to eat. At Matrix, our services are structured to provide an extra benefit that can bring peace of mind to Tyson team members as they return to work.”