China reopens borders to U.S. pork shipments


WASHINGTON, D.C. - China's trade officials, on March 17, agreed to resume accepting pork exported from the United States into the Chinese market. The agreement was the result of meetings between James Miller, undersecretary for farm and foreign agricultural services, Jim Murphy, assistant U.S. trade representative for agricultural affairs and trade officials in Beijing. Trade had been halted since late April, following the H1N1 outbreak in the United States.

U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said he anticipates future trade decisions to be based on science and anticipates China will soon consider resuming the trade of U.S. beef. 

Mr. Kirk said he is "pleased that China affirmed in our meetings that they will base their dicisions on international, science-based guidelines. We look forward to working cooperatively to resolve additional issues, including a resumption of trade in beef."

Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, who traveled to China with Mr. Kirk in October to address the trade impasse, said those negotiations were the foundation for this week's announcement.

"This resolution is excellent news for American hog producers," said Mr. Vilsack.