PM Beef earns second Food Safety Certification
WINDOM, MINN. — PM Beef has been named a Safe Quality Food 2000 Level 3 Certified Supplier by the SQF Institute, a division of the Food Marketing Institute, for the second year in a row. In 2009, PM Beef became the first U.S. beef harvest facility to receive this certification, which signifies that the company meets the requirements of one of the most stringent standards for food safety and quality in the industry.
"We are honored to be named an S.Q.F.-certified supplier for the second year in a row," said Lisa Hernandez, vice president of quality assurance and food safety at PM Beef. "We have always maintained the highest food-safety and quality standards, so this certification, coming from such a prestigious international organization as the Food Marketing Institute, validates our internal commitment and helps set us apart from our competitors."
An important part of the buyer/supplier relationship, as it builds confidence, S.Q.F. certification demonstrates compliance with regulatory and product traceability requirements and it provides a structure for implementing and demonstrating sustainable production and manufacturing best practices. S.Q.F. is internationally recognized and meets the standards of the Global Food Safety Initiative (G.F.S.I.). It also promotes cost savings by providing "one system, one audit."
"We are committed to earning SQF certification year after year," Ms. Hernandez said. "S.Q.F. training will thus be an ongoing process, so we can ensure that all current and future PM Beef employees share this understanding of and commitment to the highest safety and quality standards."
"S.Q.F. certification means a company meets the most stringent standards for food safety and quality in the industry," said Jill Hollingsworth, D.V.M., F.M.I. group vice president of food Safety programs. "The integrity of the S.Q.F. program relies on committed, effective, and competent implementation of the S.Q.F. systems, so we commend PM Beef for their efforts in achieving this certification for the second year in a row."