Temple Grandin makes Time's "Most influential" list
Dr. Temple Grandin, animal welfare expert and contributing editor to Meat&Poultry, has been ranked No. 32 on Time magazine's list of the world's most influential people. The magazine annually publishes its Time 100 issue based on a reader poll. With more than 13,000 votes, Grandin ranked higher than First Lady Michelle Obama and former vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Iranian opposition leader, ranked highest on the list with more than 879,000 votes. Time categorizes the candidates on the poll "leaders, artists, innovators and icons."
An associate professor of animal science at Colorado State University and president of Grandin Livestock Handling Systems, Inc., Grandin's exposure and popularity spiked in 2010 with the February release of the HBO biopic, "Temple Grandin," which is in the running for an Emmy award. Grandin also the subject of Meat&Poultry's cover story in its May, 2010 issue (go to www.meatpoultry.com to view the story digitally).
To see Time's 2010 Top 100 list, go to: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1972075_1976159_1976160,00.html