Cargill Calgary plant workers vote to strike
CALGARY, ALBERTA — Another group of union workers officially took a strike vote for the Cargill case ready plant in Calgary, Alberta, on June 7 if two sides do not reach an agreement.
According to a release by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) Local 401, the group saw a 100% vote in favor of striking at the facility.
“This courageous strike vote sends a strong message to Cargill that its workers need a better deal to stop the squeeze they are suffering from the affordability crisis,” UFCW wrote. “We have bargaining dates scheduled with the company, but there is a very real possibility that we will ultimately go on strike.”
When reached for comment, Cargill provided a statement on its steps forward on the matter.
“Cargill has worked closely with the union representing Calgary employees to negotiate an agreement that reflects the critical role they play in feeding families across Canada,” the company said to MEAT+POULTRY. “We have yet to reach an agreement and union members voted to authorize a potential labor disruption if one is not reached after future negotiations. This is a common part of the collective bargaining process. The next bargaining sessions are June 20-21 and will be facilitated by a mediator. We remain optimistic an agreement will be reached at those meetings, or soon after.”
Demands that UFCW Local 401 continues to negotiate include wage increases for workers due to inflation and cost-of-living increases.
During May, 1,000 workers at the Cargill Guelph plant that belonged to UFCW Local 175 and 633 went on strike. For the Guelph negotiations, UFCW workers rejected the negotiated settlement by 82%, which sent employees to the picket line.