U.S.D.A. seeks input on food container standards


WASHINGTON — Comments are being solicited on a proposed revision to the U.S. Standards for Condition of Food Containers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

"[The Agricultural Marketing Service] regularly reviews container standards to determine if they meet current industry practices," said Rayne Pegg, administrator of U.S.D.A.’s A.M.S. "Based on our most recent review, we believe that these standards may need to be revised and we are seeking public comment."

Simplifying sampling plans, updating the acceptable quality levels to incorporate new defects, and updating current defects to include new packaging technologies and interior can defects are included in the proposed revision. A.M.S. relays the revision could potentially affect more than 26,000 food manufacturing establishments that may request to have their product containers inspected under the provisions of the U.S. Standards for Condition of Food Containers. The request for comments was published in the Nov.19 Federal Register.

Written comments, postmarked no later than Jan. 19, 2010, should be sent to Lynne E. Yedinak, Processed Products Branch, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S.D.A., Stop 0247, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-0247; or faxed to (202) 690-1527. Comments can also be submitted to Copies of the notice are available from the same address.

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