Sunnymel offers to lease slaughtering plant

SAINT-FRANÇOIS-DE-MADAWASKA, QC – Sunnymel, a partnership formed by Westco and Olymel, has announced plans to proceed with building its poultry slaughtering and cutting facility, representing an investment of more than $40 million that will create more than 250 jobs. As a result, Sunnymel is offering to lease the Nadeau Maple Lodge slaughterhouse and operate it from the time it closes in June 2012 until the new Sunnymel slaughtering facility is opened in Clair in November 2012 to preserve as many jobs as possible.

This proposal follows the announcement by Nadeau Maple Lodge of its intention to cease operations in St-François-de-Madawaska and concentrate them at its new plant in Nova Scotia.

Sunnymel's facility in Clair will have the capacity to slaughter more New Brunswick birds and will be a major source of stable jobs, the company relayed.

“For many years, Westco has been actively involved in the local economy and has created a large number of jobs in the production sector in New Brunswick,” said Thomas Soucy, Westco president and CEO. “The partnership with Olymel will generate significant investments in the processing sector and will be an important source of jobs and stability for workers in the Upper Madawaska. Our proposal to lease the Nadeau Maple Lodge slaughterhouse until construction of our plant is completed will allow our industry to continue operating and preserve jobs.”