Judge rejects motion to dismiss Agriprocessors' charges


DES MOINES, IOWA – On March 6, Chief Judge Linda Reade rejected a motion to dismiss illegal immigration and bank fraud charges against Agriprocessors Inc. and a former manager, Sholom Rubashkin, charged after the plant was raided, according to The Associated Press. Ms. Reade rejected claims from attorneys of Agriprocessors Inc. and Mr. Rubashkin that grand jury proceedings were tainted by improper comments about religion, race and anti-Semitism.

She said the court found no impropriety and that the defendants mischaracterized "innocuous statements and questions" made by grand jury witnesses.

The defendant’s attorney, Guy Cook, said he would speak with Mr. Rubashkin about "action regarding the ruling." Attorney Jim Clarity says Agriprocessor officials understands the ruling and are prepared to move forward with a defense.

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