Groups take aim at Renewable Fuel Standard

WASHINGTON – Several food-industry groups are headed to Washington, DC to rally against the Renewable Fuel Standard.

The National Chicken Council and other meat and poultry associations are supporting the American Motorcyclists Association's call for more research into the effects of E15 on motorcycles and ATVs. The AMA is riding to Capitol Hill June 19 to raise awareness of engine damage the association believes is caused by ethanol.

"AMA's voice joins the growing chorus of those speaking out against the harmful effects and real-life implications of our government mandated ethanol policies," said Mike Brown, NCC president. "Lawmakers are now hearing from motorcyclists, poultry, livestock and dairy producers, food manufacturers, restaurants, environmentalists, anti-hunger groups, free marketers, boaters, specialty and small-engine manufacturers, taxpayer groups and consumers, who are all demanding change to the current US biofuels policy."

On June 20, the National Council of Chain Restaurants (NCCR) will launch a grassroots campaign aimed at repealing the RFS. NCCR, along with other coalition partners and members of Congress, will hold a press conference to launch “Feed Food Fairness: Take RFS Off the Menu.”