Consumers seek protein beyond meat

CHICAGO – Demand for high protein products is moving beyond traditional animal sources of protein, according to new research from Mintel, a consumer and industry trends firm.
A large number of high protein claims span an array of categories with snacks leading the way. Snacks accounted for 20 percent of high protein food and drink new product launches in the US in 2012, followed by meal replacement and other fortified drinks at 17 percent and spoonable yogurt at 15 percent, according to Mintel research.

Consumers who are avoiding animal protein for health, environmental or ethical reasons also are driving demand for high protein products. Product launches with both a high protein and vegan claim posted steady growth between 2008 and 2012 at 54 percent, Mintel said.
Overall, introductions of food and drinks making high protein claims accounted for 19 percent of the global new product launches in 2012, according to Mintel.

Mintel said the US is the biggest market for high protein foods. India and the United Kingdom accounted for 9 percent and 7 percent respectively of new food and drink launches with high protein claims in 2012, according to Mintel.
“Americans are looking for protein to aid in satiety, weight management and to boost muscle recovery and build muscle after a workout, making protein appeal to a broad audience in a great number of usage occasions,” said Nirvana Chapman, Global Food Science Trend analyst at Mintel.