Welsh meat plant in horse meat scandal shut down
LONDON – The UK's Food Standards Agency closed Farmbox Meats Ltd., a Welsh meat plant found to be part of the Europe-wide horse meat scandal.
The FSA initially suspended Farmbox Meats' operating license in February following a raid by the agency. Another business, Peter Boddy Licensed Slaughterhouse, allegedly sold horse meat raw materials to Farmbox, which were in turn made into kebabs and burgers and sold as beef. Both companies were suspended from operating. But Peter Boddy Slaughterhouse resumed operations on March 8, and Farmbox received conditional approval to operate on March 18, according to news reports.
FSA said in a statement that Farmbox Meats can appeal the agency's decision. Dafydd Raw-Rees, Farmbox Meats owner, told the BBC he plans to appeal, and that his company has been treated unfairly.