Packaging plays a crucial role in food distribution. It’s essential to help maintain food integrity, quality and safety. However, in a world where everyone is focused on reducing, reusing and recycling, it seems as though packaging is taking the brunt of the scrutiny. Everyone in the food chain seems to have a vested interest in sustainable packaging. Governments and consumers are starting to make demands now, so packaging companies like MULTIVAC are moving ahead with sustainable alternatives.
Packaging is a major and growing factor in the success of a product. Choosing the right package can come down to the way it feels, the appearance of the product within the package, or the comfort level with a particular style of package. At the point of sale, consumers really do judge a product by its looks. Learn how to choose the right package for your product, your operation and your end user.
While the quality of meat products lies in the hands of the processor, the strength, durability and stability of the package it comes in is the responsibility of packaging equipment manufacturers. These manufacturers are charged with the task of designing equipment that can fulfill the meat processor’s promise for safe, secure and quality product. Learn how meat processors and their customers can benefit from vacuum skin packaging systems.