Recent study quantifies impact of red meat exports on corn and soybean producers 06.17.2022 By Rachael Oatman The Juday Group study found that beef and pork exports added 12% to the per-bushel value of corn in 2021.Read More
USDA creates and extends partnerships as part of Supply Chain Task Force 06.17.2022 By Rachael Oatman The GCCA commends the agency’s new partnership with the Port of Houston.Read More
House bill passes with special investigator act attached 06.17.2022 By Ryan McCarthy The major trade associations oppose the addition of an investigator.Read More
Michigan allows poultry, waterfowl exhibitions after HPAI precaution 06.16.2022 By Ryan McCarthy State animal health officials will continue to monitor the virus throughout the summer.Read More
Arkansas researchers start study of water-efficient broiler 06.15.2022 By Ryan McCarthy The project has backing from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.Read More
CDC investigates Salmonella outbreaks in 38 counties 06.15.2022 By Rachael Oatman As of June 2, there has been one death and 219 total Salmonella infections.Read More
Ocean Shipping Reform Act moves out of Congress 06.14.2022 By Ryan McCarthy Meat trade associations praised the legislation and how it will help the export industry.Read More
USDA set to survey mountain west cattle operations 06.14.2022 By Ryan McCarthy The agency plans to look at producers in six states. Read More
UGA study provides insight into Salmonella strains 06.14.2022 By Rachael Oatman The study found that contamination in chickens has decreased, while the number of infections in people has remained constant.Read More
NPPC panel addresses policy priorities 06.13.2022 By Rachael Oatman The World Pork Expo invited NPPC leaders to speak on international trade, African swine fever and labor.Read More