KEOKUK, Iowa — The Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) released a statement on July 9 confirming it is investigating a creek near Keokuk, Iowa, that has been polluted by a hog production facility in the area.
The state’s DNR stated the source of the pollution is linked to a building at the Roland Weirather hog production facility.
Residents who complained believed that the black water was due to an oil pipeline release, but that was ruled out by government officials.
The agency said Weirather needs to dam the creek, flush it with clean water and pump contaminated water onto dry land to stop the release.
Iowa DNR field tests exhibited elevated ammonia levels. Water samples from the site and near the Mississippi River were then sent for more laboratory testing. There was no sign of a fish kill in the small creek.
Officials said it would continue to monitor the site and consider appropriate enforcement action.